When trying to install office-365-apps-np with the command: ``` $ scoop install office-365-apps-np ``` I got this error: ``` Installing 'office-365-apps-np' (office) [64bit] officedeploymenttool_13426-20370.exe (3.4 MB) [=================================] 100% Checking hash...
Using Termux in Windows subsystem for Android. Termux woks well, so the API and BOOT extensions. I install termux launch apk through adb. I launch it from X-plore. When trying...
It is weird having a cmd file and a shell script when all can be done in linux way faster, even from WSL. In any Ubuntu just prepare the required...
Adds Xbuild matrixed Job with 11 additional build tests
When opening the Argon config page, the browser displays this error page: ``` /usr/lib/lua/luci/model/cbi/argon-config.lua:3: module 'luci.model.ipkg' not found: no field package.preload['luci.model.ipkg'] no file './luci/model/ipkg.lua' no file '/usr/share/lua/luci/model/ipkg.lua' no file '/usr/share/lua/luci/model/ipkg/init.lua'...