
Results 4 issues of okey2k

It's a perfect extension for Socks5 proxy for edge. But the only way to download is via Chrome Store which is not reachable at the very beginning for users in...

Any possiblity to add whitelist or blacklist domains manually on top of the existed bypass list features?

想要启用Dash, 并已经装好了inputstream.adaptive 插件,但bilibili插件中还是提示install,该怎么安装? ![IMG_20240522_114641](https://github.com/chen310/plugin.video.bili/assets/32120698/67baf5ca-faa1-4468-8025-3b059316be66) ![IMG_20240522_114739](https://github.com/chen310/plugin.video.bili/assets/32120698/70c33635-3239-41fe-982d-34f044c43531)

### Description Sometime, we know a specific video cannot play well with Nova, need to use another player instead. At this moment we need to select 3rd party player in...
