
Results 15 comments of okapia

For the zsh completion, `_the_silver_searcher` is the correct naming. In zsh, the naming typically follows that of rpm/deb package naming rather than the command names. This is partly because functions...

This has the potential to be fantastic. I've been wishing for some sort of embedded system on a PCI card for ages. The ideal would be if it could use...

dezza: What's "it" in this case? The plugin does a lot more than show -- VISUAL --, and in fact it doesn't do that for me.

If all you want is the display -VISUAL- or similar when in visual mode, use a `zle-line-pre-redraw` hook. This plugin seems to rebind every key and practically reinvents the entire...

Thanks for your explanation on that.

I'm the author of the zsh patch you bisected this down to. @danielshahaf alerted me to this issue. If you read the mailing list message associated with that patch, I...

> It turned out, in my case, the problem was that I set my ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_HIGHLIGHT_STYLE to custom color code with CAPITAL case hexadecimal values (#A1A2A6) 5.8 wasn't preserving the exact...

You can just do `compdef _net_interfaces nethogs` in your own `.zshrc` and I quite often do something like that. The contribution guidelines for this project do state that partially implemented...

Rather than have a custom style, all calling of external commands is supposed to be wrapped by the standard `_call_program` function. This provides the same functionality in a consistent way...

It'll need more information than this to reproduce your problem. Neither zsh nor this repository provide any completion for gcloud so what gcloud completion do you have configured and where...