I want to use Google Home App to Setup AIY my Voice Kit,But I can not do because it says that device was turned off. And it says that my...
濁点フォントを使うときにエラーがおきます。 これは log/2020****_convert.txtの一部です: [17:06:30] [INFO] 濁点フォント利用 (23183) : え゛ [17:06:30] No protocol specified [17:06:30] java.io.IOException: This archives contains unclosed entries. [17:06:30] at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipArchiveOutputStream.finish(ZipArchiveOutputStream.java:343) [17:06:30] at org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.zip.ZipArchiveOutputStream.close(ZipArchiveOutputStream.java:550) [17:06:30] at com.github.hmdev.writer.Epub3Writer.write(Epub3Writer.java:970) [17:06:30]...
Sorry, I'm using Google Assistant Library because of some reasons. And I am using AIY Voice Kit V1. And I want to use assistant-library-with-button-demo.py. I Want to shutdown hands free....
Please see one more pull request after 20/12/27 15:15.
何度やってもDisconnectとなり、どうしようもありません。 git cloneしてApache2つかって構築しても、ohac.github.io/wasmminerから行ってもできません。
I want Wi-Fi Driver for RaspberryPi4. I want to use it for WOR (Windows On Raspberry, www.worproject.ml). How Can I use Wi-Fi?