> +1 > This API has been removed. If you're looking for this functionality in Babel 7, you should import the '@babel/helper-module-imports' module and use the functions exposed from that...
changed it to a explicit value like this: > #tab-web iframe { border-width: 0; width: 100%; height: 900px #according to your screen as you like to (768-900 or larger value)...
to fix the bug completly for all browser is too hard for me. so sorry . ------------------ 1 ------debug-min.js-- change > $("#tab-web .iframe-box").html(''); to > $("#tab-web .iframe-box").html(''); ----------------------------- this work...
so you can fix it by doing this: 1 in debug.min.css change to below: ---------------- > #debug-tabs{margin-bottom:45px;height:100%}#tab-web.fixed{padding-top:24px}#tab-web{height:100%}.iframe-box{height:100%}#tab-web iframe{border-width:0;width:100%}#tab-html ### I add 3 height:100% and a .iframe-box{height:100%} compared to original file...
已经过去两个月了,目前 vue3.0 已经 rc2 了,据说下个月 就会有正式版。 vue3.x 全局注册 插件的方法已经和 vue2.x 的接口不一样了, 使用 app.component(组件名) 居然无法注册 郁闷