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ROS package for SOTA Computer Vision Models including SAM, Cutie, GroundingDINO, YOLO-World, VLPart, DEVA and MaskDINO.

tracking_ros python_check

ROS1 package for detecting and tracking objects using SAM, Cutie, GroundingDINO and DEVA, inspired by detic_ros.


Tested : image of 480X640 30hz, 3090ti

Interactive prompt for generating mask and tracking object using SAM and Cutie.

Alt text

sam_node publishes segmentation prompt which is used by cutie_node to track objects. It runs almost real-time (~30hz).

Detecting and tracking object using SAM, GroundingDINO and DEVA.

Alt text

deva_ndoe queries objects GroundingDINO and SAM at some intervals, so it can track new object after tracking is started. It runs ~15hz and you can adjust cfg['detection_every'] for performance. See node_scripts/



This package is build upon

  • ROS1 (Noetic)
  • catkin virtualenv (python>=3.9 used for DEVA)
  • (Optional) docker and nvidia-container-toolkit (for environment safety)

Build package

on your workspace

If you want build this package directly on your workspace, please be aware of python environment dependencies (python3.9 and pytorch is needed to build package).

mkdir -p ~/ros/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/ros/catkin_ws/src
git clone
wstool init
wstool merge -t . tracking_ros/tracking_ros/rosinstall.noetic
wstool update -t . # jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_visualization for GUI
cd tracking_ros/tracking_ros && ./
cd ~/ros/catkin_ws && catkin b

using docker (Recommended)

Otherwise, you can build only tracking_ros_utils package for using intractive prompt gui

mkdir -p ~/ros/catkin_ws/src && cd ~/ros/catkin_ws/src
git clone
wstool init
wstool merge -t . tracking_ros/tracking_ros/rosinstall.noetic
wstool update -t . # jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_visualization for GUI
cd ~/ros/catkin_ws && catkin b tracking_ros_utils

and build whole package on docker environment.

source ~/ros/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roscd tracking_ros_utils/../tracking_ros
docker build --build-arg CUDA_VERSION=11.3 -t tracking_ros . # default is 11.3, you can also build with 12.1

How to use

Please refer sample_track.launch and deva.launch

Tracking using SAM and Cutie with interactive gui prompt.

1. run directly

roslaunch tracking_ros sample_track.launch \
    input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
    mode:=prompt \
    model_type:=vit_t \

2. using docker

You need to launch tracker and gui seperately cause docker doesn't have gui, so launch tracker by

./run_docker -host pr1040 -launch track.launch \
    input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
    mode:=prompt \
    model_type:=vit_t \


  • -host : hostname like pr1040 or localhost
  • -launch : launch file name to run

and launch rqt gui on your gui machine by

roslaunch tracking_ros_utils sam_gui.launch

Detecting and tracking object.

roslaunch tracking_ros deva.launch \
    input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
    model_type:=vit_t \


./run_docker -host pr1040 -launch deva.launch \
    input_image:=/kinect_head/rgb/image_rect_color \
    model_type:=vit_t \

and use dynamic reconfigure to set detection and object tracking by

rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /deva_node classes "cloth; cup; bottle;"