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# Pull Request Korpora에 기여해 주셔서 감사합니다. 해당 Pull Request를 제출하기 전에 아래 사항이 완료되었는지 확인 부탁드립니다: - [x] 작성한 코드가 어떤 에러나 경고 없이 실행이 되나요? - [ ]...

Hi! Let's bring the open-source education toolkit to all the Korean-speaking communities. - [x] @oikosohn, @eunseojo, Unso, Jake - [x] @oikosohn - [ ] 02_ml-demos-with-gradio.ipynb @wonhyeongseo (WIP) -...

### multinli.train.ko.tsv ```python ParserError: Error tokenizing data. C error: Expected 3 fields in line 24426, saw 4 ``` multinli.train.ko.tsv의 일부 행이 탭 대신 스페이스로 구분되어 pandas로 인식되지 않아 위와 같은...

`jax.tree_util.tree_multimap()` has been removed in JAX 0.3.16. `jax.tree_util.tree_map()` is a direct replacement. `jax.tree_map()` also works instead of `jax.tree_util.tree_multimap()`.

Hello FreeSurfer team. I saw the below command on the [Overview of the FreeSurfer Docker Image]( . And executed it, but there was an error that I didn't have a...

Add environment variables(`FS_LICENSE`) to prevent errors in missing licenses

Replace ' with ` in line 14. - Before : 창 가로 분할하기: `Alt` + `Shift` + '-` - After : 창 가로 분할하기: `Alt` + `Shift` + `-`