lechercheur123 Yes those white hard to remove ports on the back I would suspect would be the original designed location for refilling. Because that is exactly where they would be...
I think by that test the Readme can update. https://github.com/opencomputeproject/Time-Appliance-Project/blob/master/Time-Card/README.md PCIe x1 (18 pins) generation 3.0 or above
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/wsl-config DarthSpock there is a issue here. wsl.exe only allows you to execute on currently set default distribution when you are installing you don't want to change a users default...
> Any package conflicts are usually the result of a user adding a ppa. There are two common causes of conflicts in debian/ubuntu/deb based distributions. 1 is third party repositories...