### General Affected tag(s) to be modified/added: [maxwidth:physical](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:maxwidth:physical) Question asked: **What's the maximum width vehicles can pass here?** If barriers like [bollards](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier%3Dbollard) or [blocks](https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier%3Dblock), standing in/on street it maybe could...
PMTiles from [Protomaps](https://protomaps.com/) are increasingly popular and a lot of other services are [supporting](https://github.com/felt/tippecanoe/releases/tag/2.17.0) it now. It has some major advantages in comparison to MBTiles. Styling the PMTiles is, however...
When using [the (simple function) example](https://maplibre.org/martin/sources-pg-functions.html) from martin docs for PostgreSQL Function Sources, the resulting TileJSON looks like this: ```json { "tilejson": "3.0.0", "tiles": [ "https://.com/function_zxy_query/{z}/{x}/{y}" ], "description": "public.function_zxy_query", "name":...
My problem is, that I want to add a `Cache-Control` HTTP Header in my nginx proxy, because martin currently not yet (#749 ) supports the header. To select the tiles...
# Feature request ## Description When using a domain from another provider than IONOS, I cannot use external domains, since the Deploy Now contract is not able visible as contract...