Stacer copied to clipboard
can't install on CentOS 8.0
I tried three methods:
- sudo rpm -Uvh Retrieving error: Failed dependencies: libappindicator is needed by stacer-1.0.7-1.x86_64
A quick yum search reveals that there is a libappindicator-gtk3 packages but that does not provide libappindicator.
- wget
- yum install stacer
Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:08 ago on Sat 02 Nov 2019 07:05:35 PM CDT. Error: Problem: conflicting requests
- nothing provides needed by stacer-1.0.9-3.x86_64
- nothing provides needed by stacer-1.0.9-3.x86_64
- nothing provides needed by stacer-1.0.9-3.x86_64 (try to add '--skip-broken' to skip uninstallable packages or '--nobest' to use not only best candidate packages)
- git clone
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/qt/path/bin ..
a lot of output but bombs out on this:
CMake Error at /lib64/cmake/Qt5/Qt5Config.cmake:28 (find_package): Could not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Charts" with any of the following names:
Add the installation prefix of "Qt5Charts" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "Qt5Charts_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "Qt5Charts" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.
I also tried the 1.1.0-amd64 RPM and this had the same errors as 1.0.9.
Please advise.
Hey I had a problem similar to yours when trying to build from source, but I also found how to get around it and may be able to help.
Basically all that message is telling you is that you need to install the qt5-charts dependency to make it work. Although you'll probably find out later that it also isn't the only dependency that was required. Looking at my library, it seemed like I also had to install Qt Linguist and qt5-base as well. I cannot recall every single library that was required since I just batch installed whatever I thought would be relevant. But just read what comes in the console and try to look up what you can do to install it afterwards for your system.
Also bonus, just in case you come across the same issue as I did right after this problem: which is when you still have all the dependencies required but it's still not building properly and, at the same time, you notice the building process is quite a bit faster than the previous build attempts. Then make sure to delete CMakeCache in your "build" folder to refresh your cmake cache as that would be the likely problem. After that, the build went completely fine afterwards for me and typing in ./stacer booted up the app just fine in the end. I've now built it on the Manjaro distro so I hope this helps.
stacer is in Fedora's repo. So you can ask maintainer to build it for EPEL 8.
I was able to install it with rpm
--install --nodeps --force stacer-1.1.0-amd64.rpm`.
Hello @oguzhaninan, it possible to get Stacer into the RHEL / CENTOS 8 repos?
I looked for a src rpm but had no luck, otherwise I would try building it for you.
I am maintainer of stacer
in Fedora. The problem that qt5-qtcharts-devel
is not available in EPEL8 repo and i can't build until this would be resolved. Filed a bug in RHBZ.
@shikari7 i successfully build it for EPEL-8-playground
When qt5-qtcharts will be available in EPEL-8 repos i can build Stacer for it. Now you can use from playground repo without any issues, i hope.
@tim77 I was able to install your package from playground and qt5-qtcharts is available in EPEL8. I guess you could push this to EPEL soon?
@marcomeyerVFX please check