> Is the charts feature not sufficient enough for this? Nope
> Can you pinpoint the statements that require that behavior in POSIX? XCU 2.15 Special Built-in Utilities/continue/EXIT STATUS > 0 Successful completion. XCU 2.9.2 Pipelines/Exit Status > If the pipeline...
> The point is that the negated pipeline does not finish at all, either successfully or unsuccessfully. It just gets aborted without producing any exit status. Is this what POSIX...
This doesn't look right either. ``` $ echo 'x xx ' | mawk '{sub(/(x+ +){2}/, "y")} 1' yxx ```
@wader Thanks. Why advertise it as a jq clone and waste people's time though?
> some sort of string form that makes it easy enough to cut-n-paste strings like regexps and such regexps and what? Why not `/regexp/`?
@wader Yes, that or introduce a new string type specified using slashes instead of double quotes and can be provided to test, scan, etc. as the regexp argument. Either way...
> Did a quick experiment with jqjq to see how it would feel like and possible problems https://github.com/wader/jqjq/tree/regex-literals-experiment > > Looks like this: > > ``` > # behaves as:...