Gustavo Pereira

Results 42 comments of Gustavo Pereira

No problem about that, we will review the project and update. If you want you can help us

Would this be a case for using Labeled? @fzaninotto @septentrion-730n

Hi @fzaninotto today my main problem is because we want to enable this functionality incrementally per client, so we had to abstract this component. However, I made some suggestions. -...

> > Wait, there is something I don't understand. Adding the `` to a sidebar is totally opt-in. What is the problem. > > While @oguhpereira had referred specifically to...

I created a pr here to make it clearer what I mean.

I don't know if I understand the case but I don't see this point as a problem in my opinion. From what I understand this point is something that must...

Has this issue not been resolved? @fzaninotto

@fzaninotto @septentrion-730n the adjustment here must be for all fields or just for the date? I can raise this PR!