Ignacio Oguiza
Ignacio Oguiza
### Discussed in https://github.com/timeseriesAI/tsai/discussions/345 Originally posted by **shayp** December 27, 2021 I'm having difficulties running prediction on a new test data set on MultiInputNet (TabModel and tsmodel). Iv'e Created dl...
tsai losses don't apply an activation or decode function to logits during inference. Need to apply fastai's BaseLoss.
### Discussed in https://github.com/timeseriesAI/tsai/discussions/633 Originally posted by **Samcro5C** November 30, 2022 When I tried to use the fastai callback [TensorBoardCallback](https://docs.fast.ai/callback.tensorboard.html#tensorboardprojectorcallback) for a TSForecaster (minimal example from Readme), I ran into...
First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for the excellent results achieved in the TSMixer paper, and for making the code open source. I’ve noticed though that there 2...
Hi, I've found an issue when trying to convert a Pytorch module. I've isolated the issue and created this snippet to reproduce it. As a temporal workaround, I had to...
I have a library (timeseriesAI/tsai) and I'm trying to create my first release. I've generate the token, and created a token file following the instruction in the web. fastrelease_changelog works...