Teslim Olunlade
Teslim Olunlade
Perhaps a field argument would be better? Something like: ``` field = Field(encrypted=True) ```
It actually looks like all the setup for the auto-encryption can be done while initializing the driver. So there shouldn't be a need for anything beanie specific to be done....
[Hidden fields](https://github.com/roman-right/beanie/blob/main/beanie/odm/documents.py#L699) use an additional arg for in the Field constructor to populate the fields in a Document's exclude property. Could do something similar for encryption, where the encoder encrypts...
Getting the same error when using an async startup function. It looks like gather doesn't accept a loop argument within [asyncio](https://docs.python.org/3.10/whatsnew/3.10.html#changes-in-the-python-api) since Python 3.10.
Aren't the areas within bodies of water also part of the state's boundaries?
@Schwanksta it only makes sense
Like I said [here](https://github.com/unitedstates/districts/pull/9#issuecomment-355482872), additionally, once I resolve a coordinate's district it is really easy to get the coordinate's state. Maybe move the state topology files into their own repo?
@badsyntax I did notice `.kts` scripts would get syntax highlights through `fwcd.kotlin` but throw errors regarding some things related to the Gradle API. Perhaps adding the command "Create a Gradle...
@slingshotvfx I just settled on doing an event trigger that encrypts and decrypts. ```python from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead import AESGCM ... SECRET_KEY = get_settings().wallet_key.encode() aesgcm = AESGCM(SECRET_KEY) ... @before_event(Insert) def encrypt(self): nonce...
> However, shouldn't an instance calling a class method be considered to be the first argument always anyway? @jbkoh tried following along with the explanation in microsoft/pyright#6472, but what did...