Oscar Mojica

Results 2 issues of Oscar Mojica

A python script running a TTI RTM for only one shot with pyrevolve (https://sesibahia-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/oscar_ladino_fieb_org_br/EWpX_VT4U3lCqdAArLVaGKABe9oysSb0KKRDlqIyL1XpwA?e=TgKdL4) runs fine for a period of time before crashing with the following error: ``` File "/home/oscarm/.conda/envs/devito-v4.2.2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pytools/prefork.py",...

Hi everybody, I am using the following script to run a hybrid (MPI/OpenMP) application in a Cluster (each node in the cluster has 20 physical cores) via SLURM ``` #!/bin/bash...
