Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Results 15 comments of Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas

Ohhh, OK. So Timimi doesn't allow to access the TiddlyWiki functionality allowing it to, let's say invoke the proper "export as JSON" option that appears in the UI? All seems...

I will. But that would not address the principle of least surprise regarding user experience. Other users would not start by forking a block and would they expect some GUI...

I have experience this redraw failures and in general UI slowness since my first tries on early versions of GT as reported here: (including screenshots of redraw failures in...

We don't use the Picture snippet as its GUI doesn't support the caption input, the part that in Markdown variants goes as `![This is an image caption.](https://my-image-link.png)`. How could we...

Hi Sean, I arrived here from discord while looking how to know which are the objects defined in the variables of a page. The only other person that have `variables`...

@thepenguinthatwants Today I was having the same problem as you as a first time entr user. My quick fix was to do this: `ls *.html | entr ./reload-browser Firefox` Notice...

Not at the moment. I'm reading the book in a quick way, and would not have time for dealing directly with the book source code and learning Pillar markup. I...

I'm still experiencing problems with redrawing on tiling window manager (AwesomeWM) since the first iterations of GToolkit. @girba why this is not an issue anymore when is so visible for...

@girba thanks for reopening again. On the UX level, I would say that this is the more visible bug for users of GT on a daily basis. I have devised...

My experience is the same as @khinsen. I experience the redrawing issue daily (on AwesomeWM) as tiling WM use the complete workspace for the window, unless another windows is raised...