Özer S.
Özer S.
Awesome work, can't wait for V2!!!
So what worked for me is simply using `models.ModelForm` instead of `TranslationModelForm`.
In my case, @bryanus1 's solution worked: ``` ... volumes: - .:/app:z - /app/.venv ```
`python manage.py bower_install --allow-root` worked for me. In addition, I used `BOWER_COMPONENTS_ROOT = os.path.join(str(ROOT_DIR('project_name')), 'static', 'components')` to save the files in `project_name/static/components`. Hope that helps.
We should add it as a dependency to this project, I ran into the same issue.
Yeah @vinyasmusic, I would also just create a seperate endpoint for this logic and then call it on my client (app or website) whenever I need.
This also causes issues with Flask. The fix from @abe-winter helped me though.
Related #357
I have the same issue, large number of files causes imageOptim to crash, either with CLI or the app.
I have the same issue :( Getting timeout errors on Sentry.