Otmar Ertl

Results 8 comments of Otmar Ertl

@thomasahle I guess you meant `a^x (mod p)` can be computed in time `O(log X)`. @ChrisJefferson Another option for hashing an ordered collection: Sort the element hashes and hash the...

I think it would be better not to mix the information of consistent and inconsistent sampling decisions. If the sampling decision is not based on the `r`-value, it should not...

When there are multiple sampling stages, such as when consistent probability samplers are combined with this probabilistic sampling processor, each making sampling decisions independently (based on different random/hash values), it...

@jmacd > I do not believe anyone requires 56-bits of sampling precision. I'm interested in what others think is a good value, maybe 16 or 20 bits will do. I...

@jmacd > 2. When a W3C tracecontext w/o the new random flag is sampled, SDKs should use an unspecified hashing algorithm on the TraceID to construct 56 questionably-random bits. They...

The same bug also existed in Apache Commons Codec where it was fixed in version 1.14, see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CODEC-264.

There were some missing include directives, which I have already fixed. I have successfully tested all build* gradlew tasks in Ubuntu 18.04 on the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Please do...

The data generation tasks run endlessly and generate HLL examples for different cardinalities. The more examples you have the better the charts will look. The charts presented in the paper...