Facing the same issue. Also with 12 volt power supply and RGBW2 with current firmware from Shelly. HTTP Body is responding with: `{"status":"updating","has_update":false,"new_version":"20210429-101525/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7","old_version":"20210429-101525/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7","beta_version":"20210820-121620/v1.11.4-rc2-gcc41d4b"}` Sadly the Shelly just spikes shortly in...
The debug log function pointed me to the right direction. I had used my RGBW2 already in white mode. I was able to OTA upgrade the firmware after switching back...
I don't have any shelly with stock firmware currently at hand to verify, but I think you should find that at Settings -> Device Info. Afterwards you can view the...