
Results 7 comments of Odyth

How much slower is this now over NSJSONSerializer?

For iOS apps I just commented that line out and it hasnt had any negative impact on my app as far as i can tell. Been in production for about...

I did some tests of my own and NSJSONSerialization is marginally faster on serialization and about 1.5x faster on deserialization, however you loose the ability to serialize custom objects. JSONKit...

@abhibeckert it wouldn't be as fast as just JSONKIt if it used NSJSONSerialization under the hood. also how would you use dispatch_apply to edit a mutable collection? wouldn't it crash...

What are you doing for custom object serialization? On Wednesday, September 11, 2013, James Berry wrote: > Due to the fact that this project is apparently abandoned, I've now given...

Whats doubly frustrating is if you pass in an NSError pointer an exception is still thrown instead of setting the NSError pointer and returning nil.

For those on windows aws cli pulls the content type from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\.js and for me on windows server 2016 and windows 10 this was defaulted to text/plain. Changing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\.js to...