Oskar von Dungern
Oskar von Dungern
... take your time ... for now we are serving a 'private' version of the CSS with the recommended change.
.. sorry, to thick a thumb hit the wrong button
If we are talking about formatted text, XHTML is the natural choice. Or a popular markup language.
.. I do not belong to the Archi-Team, I am a user just like you und wanted to add my view. In any web-environment RTF is not a very good...
SpecIF ([https://specif.de](https://specif.de) and [https://github.com/GfSE/SpecIF](https://github.com/GfSE/SpecIF)) is an initiative to integrate models of different notations (BPMN, ArchiMate, ReqIF and others) and tools. If you like, have a look at an [Introduction](https://specif.de/files/SpecIF/documents/SpecIF-Introduction.pdf) (for...