I would like to confirm these features would be greatly appreciated. Especially the two-finger pinch zoom (in any mode trackpad or touchscreen). I'm using Moonlight on Nintendo Switch / LineageOS...
Can confirm. Experiencing the very same behaviour. Not proficient in cpp at all, but I will try to recreate the same request on desktop to try and troubleshoot it.
Thanks @J-D-K will do on the weekend. Fully possible it has something to do with the precautions set up to prevent a ban. I'm a fresh owner of switch, so...
The thing is - I bought my switch off a guy who's a bit better at soldering - and he already got it set up beforehand. So whatever I say...
Is there any movement on this? Giving us a lot of issues with `vault_generic_secret` data source. Any time there is any other change in the terraform state the plan also...
@ClassicOldSong must be doing something terribly wrong here, but it doesn't work for me unfortunately. Trying to use in the scope of zooming-in to see small letters on Android. My...
@ClassicOldSong first of all, "terribly wrong" was about me misconfiguring Moonlight Noir, it's my very first experience with the Noir, so misconfiguration is perfectly possible. So not directed at you...
Back with the results. Thanks for mentioning the _back_ menu. Didn't realize there was a separate one, with different options then the one with under the cog icon on the...
Funnily enough I have almost the same issue, but with a following quirk: I can hold all of the buttons _except_ for L2 and R2. If I hold down L2...