Oscar Dowson

Results 184 issues of Oscar Dowson

We can remove some of the complexity in LQOI by using bridges. For VectorAffineFunction -> lots of scalaraffinefunctions For VectorOfVariables-in-Nonpositives -> lots of scalaraffinefunctions-in-greaterthan etc

These should all be covered by unit tests in MOIT. ### TODOs - [x] get ConstraintSet of a `ScalarAffineFunction`-in`Interval` constraint. - [x] get ConstraintSet of a `ScalarQuadraticFunction` constraint. - [x]...

@ccoffrin was running a few examples and getting incorrect results because quadratic constraints are not supported (#50). Shouldn't this be an error instead of a warning? https://github.com/JuliaSmoothOptimizers/NLPModelsJuMP.jl/blob/12d8f2315328f1b8c8af0a6a4552b6ad71327674/src/utils.jl#L216-L219

x-ref https://discourse.julialang.org/t/error-loaderror-methoderror-no-method-matching-init-identity-matrix-componentvector-float32-vector-float32-tuple-axis-float64/112211 I don't really know the implications of this, but I assume this is the fix.

Closes #653

Alternative for #643 Closes #640 ## Examples ```Julia julia> A = [1 2im 3 4; 4im 3im 2 1; 4 5 6 7] 3×4 Matrix{Complex{Int64}}: 1+0im 0+2im 3+0im 4+0im 0+4im...

Just exploring a few options: https://jump.dev/Convex.jl/previews/PR610/manual/atoms/

The code here deserves a release. ## TODO - [x] #590 - [x] #591 - [x] #592 - [x] #593 - [x] #594 - [x] #595 - [x] #596 -...

We don't currently have a way to support scalar variables bounds like `MOI.LessThan`, `MOI.GreaterThan`, and `MOI.Interval`.

How does one install MadDiff via the package manager? ```Julia (rosetta-opf) pkg> add MadDiff Updating registry at `~/.julia/registries/General` Updating git-repo `https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git` ERROR: The following package names could not be resolved:...