The IOU calculation method used in Object Detection, etc. is not used in Blueoil. It does not seem to be consistent. This could produce differences in learning and inference results...
As far as the contents are concerned, the difference between the two is whether or not Python 2 is supported. I think it's a better to merge the data_processor.py from...
There is a resize process in pre_process, but the default interpolation method differs depending on the Pillow version, so it seems to affect learning. https://github.com/blue-oil/blueoil/blob/master/lmnet/lmnet/pre_processor.py#L38 Pillow v7.0.0 https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/7.0.0/src/PIL/Image.py#L1786 Pillow v6.2.2...