Stefan Kopco

Results 5 comments of Stefan Kopco

Isn't this like the desired behaviour? 😅 I mean if you are in "non-search-mode" you would navigate to the parent, confirm your selection and get the child routes/items displayed. If...

Ahhhh, i see 😬 Yip, this should work. I was wondering why there were no issues on my side, when using this. I opted for the flat structure. So this...

I tried a few things today with similar issues. The main one being the error: >[!caution] >```Could not find css module ${pathToCssFileWhereTailwindIsImported}``` (which is rendered multiple times) This tends happen...

Small update The error `Could not find css module ${pathToCssFileWhereTailwindIsImported}` seems fixed with in v4.0.0-alpha.8

Isn't this more related to network being slow and the routes being loaded lazily? Maybe there is also a element in perception involved, since the nav on solid docs does...