Yusuke Oda
Yusuke Oda
Some techniques used by other libraries is autogenerating version information from the tag: refers the tag string, and if it is formed as a version number, copy it to _version.py...
I just created #418 around the topic of `None`. Basically I think `None` is not informative as it provides no fine-grained information, and users have no control in case of...
I think it is better that `None` is used to notify only *no information*. If there are some information that are useful to inform externally, it is good to adopt...
@neubig Subclassing and composition should be used when there is semantically meaningful relationship between both classes. If we need only the same code, implementing separate ones is better to organize...
This issue was resolved.
Another problem is that JSON files involve different dtype definitions (one from ExplainaBoard, one from Datalab), which is a main source of confusion of my refactoring. We also need to...
@MAKMED1337 Not sure, but it looks there should be another option to control the behavior around $\exp$ .
I think this can be solved by introducing function-level controls: - Register replacement rules `Call -> AST` for each applicable functions. If the expanded AST has other calls, it is...
@FywOo02 Thanks for reporting the problem. Could you check the following things: - What is printed if you run `print(latexify.get_latex(your_function))`. I guess your function may be the one in the...
@FywOo02 Hi, I think the cause of this problem is that your LaTeX document lacks `\usepackage{amssymb}`. `\triangleq` is a part of the AMS package that is enabled in Jupyter (MathJax)...