David Odari

Results 8 comments of David Odari

Thanks @alireza-rafeezadeh will check it out

Will give this theory a test run as I work on #133

Hmm ,I have no clue what this is about though adding permissions for the sake of testing doesn't seem right,I'll check out what you are trying to do and get...

Hey @ch8n, thanks for showing interest.🤓 The plan was to have a separate screen for starships information. Which can be found from the [Star Wars Api](https://swapi.dev/documentation#starships) Preferably bottom navigation to...

Hey Currently, there are no designs for this, but generally, the idea is either to 1. Centre align elements in the centre for big screens and leave some even space...

On the Readme,there seems to be duplication on references and could use slight grammatical and content formatting improvements.

Sure you can have it, I haven't worked on this project in a while though