
Results 4 comments of Octoxalis

Why not couple each `.md` file with a `.js` data file (using the same file name for the sake of convenience) and populate that data file with the properties you...

Look [there](https://11tytips.netlify.app/tips/pre_post_processing.html) to see what I can do inside any template processing, either before starting processing, or in the middle, or at the end.

Why do you need this variable in your front matter? You have access to it anywhere in your templates, as is. If you want a shorter name just declare in...

Do you have a `settings.js` file inside your data directory ([see global data doc](https://www.11ty.io/docs/data-global/))? It should contain this: ``` module.exports = { home: { canonical: { url: 'https://dev.clockshark.com' } }...