Andrey Stepachev
Andrey Stepachev
I would interested in some solution as well. My case is I need async ServerInterceptor. Unfortunately ServerInterceptor is a synchronous and to make it async some significant effort required (seen...
thanks @iabudiab , definitely worth to think. I was noticing that KubernetesClientConfig is coming from .kube/config so thought that client timeout is something coming from the application using KubeClient rather...
yeah, sounds good. will take a look on how that can be done. thanks.
I found it can be fixed with changing target in `/opt/homebrew/lib/swift/dst/x86_64-unknown-linux/swift-5.6-ubuntu20.04.xtoolchain/destination.json` If you replace `"target": "x86_64-unknown-linux"` with `"target":"x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"` it will work I have not much experience with this tap, so...