@niemyjski Regarding water heaters; It's an issue with the Alexa Smart Home API. The `Alexa.ThermostatController` only supports specific `thermostatModes` that don't translate to the `water_heater` integration `operation_mode`. I've considered trying...
Regarding Alexa support for this; I would probably propose taking a look at the `media_player` component in the process, before choosing to directly integrating with it a service call. Specifically...
This will usually resolve itself once the old tokens expire. But it you want to force it, disable the Home Assistant skill in the Alexa app and then re-enabled it....
@msp1974 Are you still experiencing this?
If you're using a custom built skill verify the skill still has the permission configured to "Send Alexa Events" in the [Alexa developer console](https://developer.amazon.com/alexa/console/ask). Verify your [Alexa configuration](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alexa.smart_home/#alexa-smart-home-component-configuration) is using...
There are several ways to [integrate Alexa into Home Assistant](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/alexa), I'll clarify for the purpose of this issue. But the `INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXCEPTION` message is related to the Smart Home Integration: For...
@mkanet Home Assistant only send events to Alexa for "Smart Home" Skills. Your private skill is a "Custom" Skill. For Custom skills you want to use the [intent scripting](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/intent_script/). The...