Olivier Chédru
Olivier Chédru
I did not know about SPDX identifiers, and this looks like a great idea!
> I believe this would eliminate the need for #53 as well? Indeed
Indeed, we should support multithreaded generation (as described in the readme), provided each sheet is generated by a different thread.
How do you read cell values? Please post a code snippet.
Could you please give more details about what you are trying to achieve?
Thanks for your feedback. Indeed, we could use a better data structure for `mergedRanges` or rethink column width computation, which is not perfect anyway.
I am afraid the underlying code in fastexcel-reader is not thread-safe, so you get unexpected results when using a parallel stream. I am not sure what it would take to...
To achieve that, we would have to read the cell format (as replied in issue #91, date type does not exist) and apply complex checks (see [`DateUtil.isADateFormat()`](https://poi.apache.org/apidocs/4.1/org/apache/poi/ss/usermodel/DateUtil.html#isADateFormat-int-java.lang.String-)) to verify it...
Thank you! Changing this behavior is possible, but I fear this might introduce regressions for existing users. We could do this is a new minor version and document it thoroughly....
> Or you could implement an overload which would return null for blank cells, like Apache POI does with > `row.getCell(index, Row.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL);` We could indeed use this or something like...