
Results 58 comments of ocavue

I did a profile on Chrome (v101.0.4951.67) and Firefox (v100.0.1) on Windows 11. I loaded 2000 records on our [demo page](https://firebase-memory-issue-2022-04.vercel.app/). Seems that both Chrome and Firefox use reasonable memory:...

The `exports` filed in emotion's `package.json` is invalid for Node.js. Explanation: https://github.com/sheremet-va/dual-packaging

@Andarist This issue is **not** resolved after #2819 (`@emotion/[email protected]`) and it should not be closed. ```bash $ node --version v18.6.0 $ npm --version 8.13.2 $ git clone https://github.com/maddijoyce/emotion-esm-issue $ cd...

Switching (adding) named exports should be a practicable solution for now. Eventually, I think it's better to fix this on the preconstruct side, by bundling `.mjs` files for ESM build....

Cool! Looking forward to it. Thank you so much for your guys' amazing work, really appreciate it.

@mekhami I think it's valuable and I can't access it too. I read it from google cache several months ago and I do think it's worth to read. But the...

@xen0n 我已经将默认的 stdout / stderr 的 logger 实现删除了。根据我对 Go 的理解,如果我不提供一个默认的 logger,那么我好像需要在每次使用 logger 的时候判断 logger 是否存在: ```diff - t.logger.Info("tokenRefresher terminated") + if t.logger != nil { + t.logger.Info("tokenRefresher terminated") + }...

@xen0n 我想继续推进这个 PR,有什么我可以做的吗?

This issue should share the same underlying reason as https://github.com/yjs/y-prosemirror/issues/113

If I'm not wrong, Next.js in fact use their own Babel plugin to separate browser-side code and server-side code from one JS file. I guess their Babel plugin is just...