
Results 16 comments of ocascante

I forgot to mention that I had already executed the script update_db.php and even then I have that error. El 12 dic. 2017 3:29 p. m., "Ycarus" escribió: > It's...

Hello, I run the script first from a linux terminal, then from the web, in both cases I got the same error. I am the webmaster of www.ti0rhu.org, the official...

Hello, This is the result of the installation: Environment: Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 64 Bits Mysql Server Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.20, for Linux (x86_64) Php PHP 7.0.25-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Apache 2.0+ First, with...

It seems that there are some errors in the installation in ubuntu 16.04, I am trying to verify what they can be, the acars already works fine: ![captura de pantalla_2017-12-14_16-09-41](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15076595/34017096-e7ff6090-e0e9-11e7-9f17-c0412722001b.png)...

I checked the settings.php file and there is only one line with the $ globalInstalled option correctly initialized in FALSE, also use the command to set the mod_rewrite: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15076595/34045506-c1535994-e16e-11e7-92b6-226966ba824f.png) the...

The apache configuration is as indicated in the link https://github.com/Ysurac/FlightAirMap/wiki/Apache-configuration meanwhile, as a comment the first time you run /install/index.php you get: ![captura de pantalla_2017-12-13_15-12-14](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15076595/34065526-3a30ab88-e1c8-11e7-89e5-139f7d1138d2.png) if you run again: ![captura...

As I have several virtual hosts on my test computer, I will install a clean lamp server to perform the installation of the flightairmap again, in a really clean environment.

The following is the flightairmap software installation process performed on my server, and the results obtained. It is assumed that the Lamp server is already installed using taskel and properly...

Without the instructions of the .htaccess: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15076595/34222589-aed79c8c-e581-11e7-8bd6-e6cbf697defa.png) with .htaccess: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15076595/34222627-cb57c5a8-e581-11e7-9b44-5cefdc67d190.png)

With the .htaccess that you indicated the software now runs apparently without problems. I will proceed to test every menu options, acars and ads-b to finalize and put the article...