
Results 10 comments of Caio

Hey guys, I'm new around here so nice to meet you all! I was trying to run fishtest on my Raspberry pi 4 and I had the same problems with...

Now I'm facing a different problem on my Raspberry Pi 4, the same one that @nimnananuk reported. Apparently `` is not selecting the proper architecture, so the compiler breaks further...

I was able to run the worker using `armv7-neon` architecture during the worker execution. The build process was a success (but quite slow), but apparently Raspberry Pi 4 is not...

Hey guys, sorry for over-posting here, but just one final thought that occurred to me: running Raspberry Pi's Broadcom BCM2711 Cortex-A72 processor on 64-bits mode (`armv8`), instead of the default...

Sure, @vdbergh! I've installed the Qt5 dependencies (`qt5-base` and `qt5-svg`) from the [official Arch Linux ARM package repository](, and they are [attached here]( as well (for `aarch64`). Do you need...

Hello gaoyanyu, Did you run "sudo make install"? It seems that the miniccnx package is not properly installed.

Alright, so if you are running the command **miniccnx** you need to have the config file created, so the command line interface can read it and properly start the given...

Hello xinyingying, Did you try to run 'sudo make install' before trying to execute the 'sudo miniccnx'? Cheers, Caio

Hi everyone, Just to give a heads-up, this week Christian and I will start working on updating the GUI of the configuration file generator (mn-ccnx edit) and as soon as...

Hello josevl, Which version of InfluxDB are you using? Did you install the InfluxDB Python Libraries? Best regards, Caio On Sun, Sep 6, 2015 at 4:35 AM, josevl [email protected] wrote:...