Last version of fuse-nfs fails when used with libnfs-1.11.0-1 (fedora 28) and gnucash -3.1-3 using libnfs-1.9.8-6 works fine. Thanks for your attention
Hi I'm receiving this error on a lvm cache lv: lvchange -a y VGG/LVV Check of pool VGG/LVVCache failed (status:1). Manual repair required! This ocurred after a power failure on...
I have this udev rule SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0054", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/usb-libvirt-hotplug testvm" it works for add but not for remove Thanks for your help
Hi, Could you please add this feature: That the application have a way to a add a phrase of multiple words that can be put in the text that's being...
Hi Can you please upload mono-fuse to nuget? Thanks for your attention