Oliver Braun
Oliver Braun
We have identified a bug when controlling the camera settings (exposure, gamma, gain...) when using the streaming mode. When the sender has a grab recovery, the receiver lost the ability...
You can use ZED Explorer tool (which does not require NVIDIA GPU) to record SVO files that can be used directly as an input of the ZED SDK. To install...
Hi , Sorry for the late reply. This is currently not possible to ingest custom images into the zed sdk.
Hi, This is expected as the initial world transform is adjusted with the IMU (gravity only) orientation of the camera to match the real world pose. There will be a...
Can you specify the language your are using (C++, python, C#) ? Also can you double check the SDK version? (3.4.3 does not exists).
I cannot run your code because I am missing the getCameraData fct that runs into your detached thread. Can you run the unmodified tutorial and show the output ? ZED...
Hi, Best is to use the OpenCV projectPoints function as it is made for that : https://docs.opencv.org/3.4/d9/d0c/group__calib3d.html#ga1019495a2c8d1743ed5cc23fa0daff8c The cameraMatrix is given with CameraInformation().calibration_parameters and R,T is the pose of the...
Hi, we will take a look how to improve the saving time. Do you have an estimated time the function takes on your PC (with the size of the generated...
Hi, you can use the sl::Camera::getDeviceList() static function to get the available cameras with their properties See here : https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/api/classsl_1_1Camera.html#a1768d383f5e78746f58eda9d2c60b33e
Ok. In this case, you can use this sample to extract camera parameters https://github.com/stereolabs/zed-opencv-native This will load the SNxxxx.conf file where those information are stored.