Owen Bower Adams
Owen Bower Adams
Currently pixie has great support for tracing MYSQL/PGSQL, but is lacking MSSQL support. **Describe the solution you'd like** Ideally protocol support added for the MSSQL protocol (MS-TDS). **Additional context** MSSQL...
We briefly discussed options around local dev stacks, just gathering a new notes/thoughts here to expand on. None of these will be required, but, recommendations/guidelines might help folk get up...
Investigate tooling around integrating swagger/openapi specs for services within the service catalog
Issue created off the back of the architecture meeting. We want to look into integrating swagger/openapi specs with the service catalog. At a high level, we want to look into...
We likely need a structured way to have tutorials through the docs part of the website. Base docsy is ok for this, but not always the easiest to read. This...
# Description For content creators ( and PR reviewers ) it would be useful to have a preview of the website changes available as a comment on the PR. #...
Within the [testsuiterunqueued](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/blob/6c4a279c14367b772225279bdc20e77a8cd7fe60/schemas/testsuiterunqueued.json#L116C7-L116C7) schema, the testsuite object has a field called 'url': Within [testsuiterunfinished](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/blob/6c4a279c14367b772225279bdc20e77a8cd7fe60/schemas/testsuiterunfinished.json#L95) and [testsuiterunstarted](https://github.com/cdevents/spec/blob/6c4a279c14367b772225279bdc20e77a8cd7fe60/schemas/testsuiterunstarted.json#L114) this is referred to as 'uri'. uri also matches what is in the [testing...
# Changes The testsuiterunqueued schema uses the field url under testsuite. Within the other testsuite run schemas, uri is used. This is also used in the markdown documents. This change...