mFAST copied to clipboard
A FAST (FIX Adapted for STreaming) encoder/decoder
{ char * beg = &buff[0]; mfast::message_cref orimsg = decoder.decode(first, last, first_message); //then i encode the orimsg //encoder.template_with_id(orimsg .the_id); beg += encoder.encode(orimsg , beg, end - beg, first_message); first_message =...
Is it necessary to Convert feed to Hex code?? if Yes then how can i achieve in C++ or Managed C++ because decoder fails when I convert feed to Hex...
The Data i am getting from Exchange is like this ex: "Ýÿ”20181009-06:49:09.66±±jÏ€€€‚_À€ôCOCUDAKL20DEC201¸2972³ø2?IÁ€€€€€€€s•€€€€€€€€€€“ö€‚ " Now as mentioned in Example Hello World MFast Converted in Hex using Managed C++ Code "\\\\xC3\\\\x9D\\\\xC3\\\\xBF\\\\xE2\\\\x80\\\\x9D\\\\x32\\\\x30\\\\x31\\\\x38\\\\x31\\\\x30\\\\x30\\\\x39\\\\x2D\\\\x30\\\\x36\\\\x3A\\\\x34\\\\x39\\\\x3A\\\\x30\\\\x39\\\\x2E\\\\x36\\\\x36\\\\xC2\\\\xB1\\\\xC2\\\\xB1\\\\x1F\\\\x6A\\\\xC3\\\\x8F\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x80\\\\x9A\\\\x5F\\\\x7F\\\\x7F\\\\xC3\\\\x80\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xC3\\\\xB4\\\\x43\\\\x4F\\\\x43\\\\x55\\\\x44\\\\x41\\\\x4B\\\\x4C\\\\x32\\\\x30\\\\x44\\\\x45\\\\x43\\\\x32\\\\x30\\\\x31\\\\xC2\\\\xB8\\\\x32\\\\x39\\\\x37\\\\x32\\\\xC2\\\\xB3\\\\xC3\\\\xB8\\\\x05\\\\x08\\\\x32\\\\x3F\\\\x49\\\\xC3\\\\x81\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\x73\\\\xE2\\\\x80\\\\xA2\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x80\\\\x9C\\\\xC3\\\\xB6\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x80\\\\x9A\\\\x03\\\\xC3\\\\xA2\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC\\\\xE2\\\\x82\\\\xAC" Double backward...
I want to use mFAST in IOS,can you help?
We discovered another problem with Xetra T7 5.0 RDI. The template has a sequence with a constant operator for length, which is not read by mFast. Instead it jumps to...
Data feed starts with "Hello" message, then multiple "Data" messages follow. All messages have the same header. Template looks as follows: ``` ... ... ... ... ... ``` On decode...
Hello, Is it possible to make a new release ? I would like to benefit from the changes in this PR: Please let me know what I can do...
template file: ```xml ``` There are two `ID` fields in two different message, the first one has `copy` attribute and another has `tail` attribute. mFAST encoder will double free memory...
Test template: ```xml ``` Test program: ```C++ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "template/test.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; void decode_print(const string& name, char *buf, size_t len) {...
Dependent on the schema size, the resulting encoded pm is invalid; could be similar to #111 and #85. Note; Adding additional elements to Template2 has the correct result. Example, mfasttest.xml:...