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Hexcode Generation
Is it necessary to Convert feed to Hex code?? if Yes then how can i achieve in C++ or Managed C++ because decoder fails when I convert feed to Hex code. where as if i hard code it in a char array it works. My converted and hard coded hex code are same yet it fails??? Any Help Would be appreciated. Thanking in Advance
Not sure why you think Hexcode is necessary. You can follow the code in "examples/performance_test" to read your feed data from file.
How can I directly read by connecting to Exchange? It would be Great if you can share a Code. Thanking in advance.
using std::string; using std::ostringstream; using std::cout; using std::endl;
using mfast::templates_description; using mfast::dynamic_templates_description; using mfast::fast_decoder; using mfast::message_cref; using mfast::ascii_string_cref; using mfast::json::encode;
int main() {
std::size_t head_n = (std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max)();
std::size_t repeat_count = 1;
bool force_reset = true;
std::size_t skip_header_bytes = 4;;
//const char* filename = DATA_FILE;
std::string str = "Ýÿ”20181009-06:49:09.66±±_jÏ€€€‚_À€ôCOCUDAKL20DEC201¸2972³ø__2?IÁ€€€€€€€s•€€€€€€€€€€“ö€‚_ ";
std::vector<char> message_contents(str.begin(), str.end());
mfast::malloc_allocator malloc_allc;
mfast::allocator* alloc = &malloc_allc;
const mfast::templates_description* descriptions = { FastGWMsgConfig::description() };
mfast::fast_decoder_v2<0> decoder(FastGWMsgConfig::description());
mfast::message_type msg_value;
for (std::size_t j = 0; j < repeat_count; ++j)
const char*first = &message_contents[0] + skip_header_bytes;
const char*last = &message_contents[0] + message_contents.size();
bool first_message = true;
while (first < last)
cout << "decoder" << endl;
mfast::message_cref msg =decoder.decode(first, last, force_reset || first_message);
first_message = false;
first += skip_header_bytes;
return 0;
} After your suggestion i have written this code but still my decoder.decode is failing any reason why it is failing????