Oncu Benturk
Oncu Benturk
For UF Instant laser configuration is done with europa.data and module has customized omciapp. What I have done is I just copied V2801F omciapp to uf instant and I am...
With original firmware I can get O5 state but since serial number & MAC is different than ISP ONT, when I check ONUID which was given by OLT was showing...
Connect via uart pins and boot into uboot than you can dump whole flash. mdb dump of ufinstant flash dump made with following commands ``` 9601C# sf probe 0 9601C#...
Hi, I have UF Instant and I am trying to do the same. How do you know that laser info is reported incorrectly? You can also find ufinstant files under...
@frezbo yes I also tried TWCGPON657 and V2801F with deleting /dev/mtd3 but no success. O1 only. and original firmware is going up to O5 but due to negotiation problem dropping...
TWCGPON657 Firmware  `RTK.0> pon get transceiver bias-current - bias-current part-number - part-number rx-power - rx-power temperature - temperature tx-power - tx-power vendor-name - vendor-name voltage - voltage...
@frezbo I have Ericsson T63G device and I think it uses different omci protocol due to that reason It can connect O5 but does not allow internet to pass. I...
@frezbo Thanks for the info. I was just thinking to do this. Is there any pinout of uart pins to sfp pin side? I would like to have always connected...
@frezbo I returned back to original firmware you can clear config area from uboot with command sf erase ${fl_cfgfs} +${fl_cfgfs_sz} transceiver values are ok now RTK.0> pon get transceiver bias-current...
@frezbo I don't think it will work. Because V2801F does not have /bin/europacli and RTL8290 driver version [0.2.21] with Parameter: I2C_PORT=1 INTR_PIN=0 TXDIS_PIN=13 TXPWR_PIN=15 PON_MODE=1 I am not sure will...