Ouail Bendidi
Ouail Bendidi
Hi just wanted to know your thoughts on using a Densely Connected Convolutional Networks like the one in [here](https://github.com/liuzhuang13/DenseNet) as encoder, I'm thinking of trying and implementing one and see...
Hi @connormanning, Thanks for this great tool, any idea on when `batchTable` will be supported in entwine 2.0 ? according to what you said [here](https://github.com/connormanning/entwine/issues/118#issuecomment-407607536) , it's probably easy to...
Hello, thanks for this awesome work, is it possible to add an option to zip/unzip lib folder when deploying to avoid size limitation of lambda like in here : https://github.com/UnitedIncome/serverless-python-requirements#dealing-with-lambdas-size-limitations