Yes, but now finding a file is a pain in the ass. I'm thinking about something more "user friendly" Accessing camera sd card like a network drive, and put the...
Wow Great 😊👍 thanks . There is now a new folder yihackin media section but when I go inside, error appears. Any solution?  
Log below Logger: homeassistant.components.websocket_api.http.connection Source: custom_components/yi_hack/media_source.py:76 Integration: Home Assistant WebSocket API (documentation, issues) First occurred: 06:23:53 (3 occurrences) Last logged: 08:39:47 [547642575360] Error handling message: Unknown error [547642851184] Error handling...
Now Works flawlessly, Thanks! For the feature and for help. You're the best !!! 
Great 👍😃 Couldn't ask for more. Appreciate the job
Hi, I updated camera to the latest 0.2.1 release, but there is no thumbnail, still just icons yi-hack Home Assistant integration is also updated to 0.3.8 
I get this 
I've edited it a little and process started 
It is running now, starting thumb.sh cron helped. Thumbnails are being created and I can see them in the media section. To be honest I have no idea why the...
Proces makes thumbnails, but only once. New records do not have them and cron does not start automatically again. How do I change it ?