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A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno, Node, Bun and Cloudflare Workers 🐿️ 🦕
My deployment wasn't serving any static files. The route I was going to uses the etag.factory(), then the matching route was just setting the body to "Hello world!". Locally it...
## For example some slight modifications for the example in the README ```ts import { Application, Router } from "https://deno.land/x/oak/mod.ts"; const posts = new Router() .use(async (ctx, next) => {...
oak is advertised as compatible with deno deploy, but doesn't seem to be able to serve static files. With the minimal repro below, everything works fine with `deployctl` locally or...
Tested on Oak 9.0.1 and Deno 1.14.0. When two routers are used by a common router, the middlewares from the first registered router get applied to the second registered router....
In my actual application, I have a main router that the application uses, then a router for "/api". I tried adding error handling to the api router so that any...
OAK v9.0.0 When a form-data is posted or put, it works well with primitive form fields,but if the form-ata contains a file: * Time to respond takes much more time...
Discovered while answering [multipart - Use FormData in an HTTP Response in Deno/Oak - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69032445/use-formdata-in-an-http-response-in-deno-oak): It appears Oak's [automatic response body handling](https://github.com/oakserver/oak#automatic-response-body-handling) does not correctly handle `FormData` like I...
This might be a long shot, but is there a way to dynamically remove routes (or routers) in Oak at runtime? It looks like you can do this via router.stack...
I am finding that parsing form data with files is very slow. Some crude testing but oak form data parsing seems to be **~75x times** longer than express's [multer](https://github.com/expressjs/multer) With...