Andreas Grapentin

Results 23 comments of Andreas Grapentin

the uboot checkout appears to need a minor tweak as well, to build with the gcc7 shipped in the vivado SDK, it is sufficient to copy or symlink compiler-gcc5.h to...

generating the FPGA stream fails for me with the following output: I'm not entirely convinced that this is due to the vivado sdk version, but it might be related.

this looks better, the host and bitstream builds, and boots. There are more issues after booting, but I'll post these separately. :)

it seems like this is the relevant buildroot commit:

m4 finished building, but there were other issues after that for other buildroot packages. but I managed to complete the build with more patches. I did not build on Ubuntu...

I just ran into this problem. Here's the problematic ics file, with private data removed: ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PIMUTILS.ORG//NONSGML khal / icalendar //EN BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Western/Central Europe BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:19501029T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMINUTE=0;BYHOUR=2;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10 TZOFFSETFROM:+0200...

I should mention that this happened when a previous periodic event was edited to move one of the events two weeks forward.

fwiw, I'm still using it, but I haven't merged the master in a long while. There is only one unresolved issue, I think, and that's the one above about the...

I rebased to master and applied the change that @lasers suggested above, that should do the trick. Apologies that I didn't get around to this sooner. Tests look good of...

fwiw, the same issue seems to arise when trying to run gephi on an aarch64 linux system, such as archlinuxarm on a chromebook gru-kevin.