Oliver Williams
Oliver Williams
I am also having this issue with the following NPM script: `"build:polyfills": "cpx 'assets/polyfills/**/*.js' build/polyfills --clean -v && cpx 'node_modules/dialog-polyfill/dist/dialog-polyfill.js' build/polyfills -v",`
This is an example of the browser offering something really useful with lots of built-in behaviour and then the idiomatic React way of doing things making it 1000% harder to...
This is my current approach https://codesandbox.io/s/html-dialog-r0uxmr
CSS Secrets by Lea Verou is hands down my favourite book about CSS.
Incorporating CTM as well it ended up looking like: ``` import './javascript/bundle-es6-min.js'; (function() { var linkEl = document.querySelector('link'); if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia(linkEl.media).matches) { var nomodulescript = document.createElement('script'); nomodulescript.src = './javascript/bundle-es5-min.js';...
Looks like Node has just implemented this for arrayBuffer, blob, json, and text, but the API is a bit different. https://nodejs.org/api/webstreams.html#webstreams_utility_consumers
Does this include [User-Agent Client Hints JavaScript API](https://web.dev/migrate-to-ua-ch/) or is that a separate issue?
I tried using this in conjunction with the Live Preview extension (also from Microsoft) by navigating to in the newly opened Edge tab but my CSS changes never appeared...
According to caniuse Safari does not support it even in 16 or technology preview https://caniuse.com/av1
Will this be made into an official part of Storybook? I have a desperate need for this!