
Results 7 comments of nyxtom

I recently did some experiments with function traits that requires the use of trait specialization to get it working. https://github.com/nyxtom/composition/blob/main/src/lib.rs ```rust pub trait Func { type Output; fn call(&self, args:...

> Anyway, the fact that people can already make up their own trait based operator overloading, and even paper over the arity issue with a do_call! macro or whatever, means...

If it's easier to just add in outgoing requests that would be really helpful.

Sure thing! I currently use it in the following manner: ``` window.location = amplify.format("api.requestpdf", { "topic": "xyz", "timeFrom": from, "timeTo": to }); ``` This will produce a formatted url that...

There we go, no need to set the callback for that particular context.

Although, if it's a function it could be a callback to obtain the current data. I suppose it depends on the use case. e.g. ``` amplify.format("api.requestpdf", function () { return...

I've made a similar change with the `PREMULTIPLIED` mode but it doesn't seem to work in macOS. Not entirely sure what's missing. Presumably everything needed would be in place (such...