Eric Wexler
Eric Wexler
`ERROR in Failed to load parser 'babel-eslint' declared in 'node_modules/react-ga/.eslintrc.js': Cannot find module 'babel-eslint' Require stack: - /Users/xxx/Documents/code/xxx/node_modules/react-ga/.eslintrc.js` babel-eslint is deprecated, please switch to @babel/eslint-parser / eslint-webpack-plugin @SimeonC @Aqzhyi...
Hey @selvagsz, Seems I'm having some issues with my power-selects on ipads using iOS12. They open correctly and function well, but if i tap outside/blur, or select an option the...
Hey, @prrashi @emilcieslar @selvagsz @umanghome @SCasarotto As of React 16.9.x it seems the authors are beginning their transition to a full hooks or hooks preferred component strategy. This latest change...