Could you please publish the sample content of general.ts?
Hi! I'm having troubles configuring sample umi/plus-locale project. Could you point to some opensource project using umijs plus-locale? That would be very helpful. Regards, Evgeniy
Ok, got one project with umijs plus-locale configured. As far as I see the basic support for code-to-translation and translation-to-code navigation is already implemented out of the box of Intellij...
Hi! To tell the truth, I didn't get what configuration you have. Is it really vue-i18n? If so keys like: 'example.homeScreenText' should work. As far as I know, vue-i18n does...
No, the project works not only for vue, it is also for i18next (https://www.i18next.com/). I'm wondering how does i18next-react differs from i18next, but anyway, let me investigate this kind of...
Hi! Thanks for report! This exception looks very strange to me - it points to problem inside ArrayList's methods. I have no idea how is this possible, only threading issue...
Not quite right: if you set default ns to "translation" then keys in default namespaces expected to be t('TRANS_KEY'), not t('translation.TRANS_KEY'). Try to set default ns to 'en'. Then keys...
Hi, Looks like there is no ready java library parsing gitignore files, so I would add new configuration option `ignorePaths` for the first iteration
Hey, what internationalization library do you use? How do your keys look like? i18next requires language specific translations to reside in language folders like en/app.json, de/app.json. In case, when app...
Hi Looks like the plugin won't work with your configuration. Here is the typical translations folder structure: ... -locale en-US.json de-DE.json As far as I see, your structure is like:...