i18nPlugin copied to clipboard
Can you add support for umijs/plus-locale
Folder Structure:
- locales
- en-US
- zh-CN
in ***.tsx
const Com: FC<Props> = () => {
const intl = useIntl();
return (
<span>{intl.formatMessage({ id: 'general.dept.name' }}</span>
Could you please publish the sample content of general.ts?
Could you please publish the sample content of general.ts?
export default {
'general.enable': 'Enable',
'general.notEnable': 'Not Enable',
'general.createdBy': 'Create By',
'general.paramName': 'Parameter Name',
Hi! I'm having troubles configuring sample umi/plus-locale project. Could you point to some opensource project using umijs plus-locale? That would be very helpful. Regards, Evgeniy
Ok, got one project with umijs plus-locale configured. As far as I see the basic support for code-to-translation and translation-to-code navigation is already implemented out of the box of Intellij IDEA. What features missing in standard IDEA you are interested in? Code completion/code extraction/hints/missing keys highlighter? Please let me know. Regards
Ok, got one project with umijs plus-locale configured. As far as I see the basic support for code-to-translation and translation-to-code navigation is already implemented out of the box of Intellij IDEA. What features missing in standard IDEA you are interested in? Code completion/code extraction/hints/missing keys highlighter? Please let me know. Regards
This is the interface shows in IDEA
This is the interface shows in vs code (This is what I want)