Nathan Wolek
Nathan Wolek
The CMake auto-compile setup should be updated to support arm64 platform. This request came via Klaus Filip:
It seems like there is a lot of extra patching needed to generate output from vbap with trigger objects (see attached screenshot). Would it be better to just make all...
It would be nice for the results of each script to be saved in a log file in addition to being printed to the screen. It should also report the...
Not sure why I added the word "slide" here: This creates files with and without text, and prevents the text from showing up in the movies.
Filenames currently use the date and time in UTC timezone. When converting this into text for the spectrogram movies, the script will convert it into the current time zone of...
I have learned more about the command line settings for ffmpeg since designing these scripts. The audio quality of the output can be improved to CBR 320k using the following...
Biggest part is changing floats to doubles
see index~ example in Max SDK:
See the index~ example in Max SDK: